
The Ontology of Personal Information (OPI) was created in 2022 as part of an ongoing, collaborative effort between Prof. Travis Breaux at Carnegie Mellon University and the Prof. Mitra Bokaei-Hosseini at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Additional contributors include Jaspreet Bhatia, Morgan Evans, Jianwei Niu, and Rocky Slavin.

The OPI results from U.S. government funded research to discover ways to improve privacy notice by applying crowsourcing and natural language processing techniques to the problem of privacy notice comprehension by machines.

The table below summarizes the latest version of the OPI, including the number of privacy notices (policies) covered, the number of unique concepts, axioms, definitions and examples.

Statistics for the Latest Ontology
Latest Version: v0.30 (Build: 5)
No. Policies: 100
Unique Concepts: 7,807
Policy Concepts: 4,187
Axioms: 42,205
Definitions: 7,755
Policy Examples: 6,955


The OPI and techniques used to create the OPI were funded by the following sponsored awards:


For inquires about the Ontology, including support questions and how to contribute to the effort, please contact relab@cs.cmu.edu.

Carnegie Mellon University | Privacy Policy