Lexeme: att collected user information  
  1. ['noun']. ATT, or App Tracking Transparency, is a feature introduced by Apple in iOS 14.5 and later versions. It gives users more control over their privacy by requiring apps to request permission before tracking their data across other apps and websites owned by other companies. Collected user information refers to the data that apps and services gather from users. This information may include personal details such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and device identifiers. It can also encompass data generated through user interactions, such as browsing history, location information, app usage patterns, and preferences. With ATT, users are empowered to decide whether or not they want to allow an app to collect and track their data for targeted advertising or sharing with third parties. They can choose to opt-out or disable tracking for specific apps or altogether using the privacy settings on their Apple devices. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. att collected user information (singular), att collected user information (plural)
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