Lexeme: breast feeding  
  1. noun. Breastfeeding refers to the act of feeding an infant or young child with breast milk directly from their mother's breasts. It is a natural and biologically designed method of infant feeding, providing essential nutrition and numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes needed for the healthy growth and development of the baby, while also offering protection against various illnesses and diseases. Breastfeeding is recommended by healthcare professionals worldwide as the best form of nutrition for babies during their first six months of life, and it can be continued alongside complementary foods up to two years or beyond as per the World Health Organization's guidelines. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. breast feed (singular), breast feeds (plural)
  • verb. breast feed (simple present), breast fed (simple past), breast feeding (present continuous), breast feeds (third person singular)
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