Lexeme: religion information  
  1. noun. Religion is a broad term that refers to the various systems of belief, worship, and practices that are followed by individuals or groups. It typically involves understanding and seeking to establish a connection with a higher power or supernatural force, often through rituals, prayers, and moral codes. Religion can have a profound influence on the lives of its adherents, shaping their worldview, guiding their behavior, and providing a sense of purpose, meaning, and community. It encompasses a wide range of beliefs, including monotheism (belief in a single deity), polytheism (belief in multiple deities), atheism (lack of belief in any deity), and agnosticism (uncertainty or lack of knowledge about the existence of a deity). Religions are often characterized by sacred texts, religious leaders, sacred spaces or places of worship, and specific practices or rituals. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. religion information (singular), religion information (plural)
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