Lexeme: attached cpni policy  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. An Attached CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information) Policy refers to a policy document that is attached to an agreement or contract, specifically addressing the usage and protection of customer proprietary network information. CPNI includes sensitive data such as a customer's call details, billing records, and other information related to the customer's services or telecommunications usage. The attached CPNI policy outlines how the company will collect, access, store, and protect this information, as well as how customers can control the sharing of their CPNI with third parties. It is typically designed to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements that govern the use and protection of CPNI. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. attached cpni policy (singular), attached cpni policies (plural)
Basic Categories:
Related Concepts:
Policy Examples:

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