Lexeme: biometric information  
  1. noun. Biometric information refers to unique and measurable physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual that can be used for identification or authentication purposes. This can include traits such as fingerprints, iris patterns, voiceprints, facial features, hand geometries, and even behavioral patterns like gait or typing rhythm. Biometric information is typically used to verify an individual's identity, granting them access to specific locations or systems, or as a means of authenticating individuals for various purposes, such as personal devices or financial transactions. GPT3.5
  2. noun. An individual’s physiological, biological, or behavioral characteristics, including information pertaining to an individual’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), that is used or is intended to be used singly or in combination with each other or with other identifying data, to establish individual identity. Biometric information includes, but is not limited to, imagery of the iris, retina, fingerprint, face, hand, palm, vein patterns, and voice recordings, from which an identifier template, such as a faceprint, a minutiae template, or a voiceprint, can be extracted, and keystroke patterns or rhythms, gait patterns or rhythms, and sleep, health, or exercise data that contain identifying information. California Consumer Privacy Act 1798.140(c)
Word Forms:
  • noun. biometric information (singular), biometric information (plural)
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