Lexeme: call record  
Rare (0.03)
  1. noun. A call record, also known as a phone call record or call detail record (CDR), is a detailed log of a telephone conversation that contains information such as the caller's and callee's phone numbers, the date and time of the call, the duration of the call, and any additional details about the call such as call type (incoming, outgoing, missed), call location, and call quality. Call records are typically generated by telecommunication service providers to track and bill for phone calls and can be used for various purposes such as monitoring call activity, analyzing call patterns, and resolving billing and service issues. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. call record (singular), call records (plural)
  • verb. call record (simple present), call recorded (simple past), call recording (present continuous), call records (third person singular)
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