Lexeme: community forum post  
  1. noun. A community forum post refers to a message or discussion shared on an online platform where individuals from a specific community come together to communicate, share ideas, ask questions, seek advice, or discuss various topics of common interest. The forum post allows members of the community to engage in dialogue, provide support, exchange information, and establish connections with others who share similar passions, hobbies, or concerns. The forum post can be in the form of a written message, a question, a comment, or a response to another post. These posts are typically publicly visible to all members of the community, fostering a sense of collaboration and participation within the shared space. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. community forum post (singular), community forum posts (plural)
  • verb. community forum post (simple present), community forum posted (simple past), community forum posting (present continuous), community forum posts (third person singular)
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