Lexeme: computer type  
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  1. noun. A computer type refers to a specific category or classification of computers based on their intended use, design, and capabilities. Some common computer types include: 1. Personal Computers (PCs): These are general-purpose computers designed for individual use and are commonly found in homes, offices, and schools. 2. Laptops and Notebooks: These are portable computers that offer similar functionality to PCs but in a more compact and portable form factor. 3. Workstations: These are powerful computers designed for specialized tasks such as graphic design, engineering, and scientific research, requiring high-performance hardware. 4. Servers: Servers are specifically designed computers that provide services, resources, and functionality to other computers or devices on a network. 5. Mainframes: Mainframe computers are large, high-capacity machines designed for handling extensive computing tasks and serving multiple users simultaneously. 6. Supercomputers: Supercomputers are the most powerful and fastest computers, used for performing complex calculations and simulations in fields such as scientific research, weather forecasting, and cryptography. 7. Embedded Systems: These are specialized computers built into other devices or systems to perform specific functions. Examples include computers in cars, appliances, medical equipment, and industrial machinery. These are just a few examples of computer types, and there are many variations and subcategories within each type. The classification of a computer into a specific type helps to understand its capabilities and intended use. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. computer type (singular), computer types (plural)
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