Lexeme: consumer cpni notice  
  1. noun. Consumer CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information) notice refers to a notification provided to consumers by telecommunications service providers to inform them about the use and protection of their personal information. CPNI includes information related to a customer's usage of telecommunications services, such as call details, billing records, service purchases, and any other data that is generated through the customer's use of the provider's network. The notice typically includes details about how the provider collects, uses, and shares CPNI, as well as the customer's rights and options for opting out or limiting the use of their information. The purpose of the Consumer CPNI notice is to ensure transparency and empower consumers to make informed decisions regarding the privacy and security of their personal data. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. consumer cpni notice (singular), consumer cpni notices (plural)
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Policy Examples:

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