Lexeme: cookie practice  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. Cookie practice refers to the policies and procedures implemented by websites and online platforms regarding the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user's device when they visit a website. They are used to collect and store information about the user's browsing behavior and preferences. Cookie practice typically includes guidelines on how cookies are used, what information is collected, how it is stored and secured, and how users can control their cookie settings. It also includes providing clear and transparent information to users about the types of cookies used, their purpose, and how they can opt out if they wish to do so. Adhering to cookie practice is essential for ensuring the privacy and data protection of users who visit websites. It helps maintain transparency and gives users control over their online experience and personal information. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. cookie practice (singular), cookie practices (plural)
Basic Categories:
Related Concepts:
Policy Examples:

Carnegie Mellon University | Privacy Policy