Lexeme: ebay-related spam  
  1. ['noun', 'verb']. eBay-related spam refers to unsolicited emails or messages that are sent in large quantities and are specifically designed to deceive or trick recipients into clicking on links or disclosing personal information related to eBay accounts. These spam messages often mimic official eBay communications, such as order confirmations, payment requests, or account notifications, in order to appear legitimate and gain the trust of recipients. However, they are actually sent by scammers and fraudsters with malicious intent, which can potentially lead to identity theft, financial loss, or account compromise. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. ebay-related spam (singular), ebay-related spams (plural)
  • verb. ebay-related spam (simple present), ebay-related spammed (simple past), ebay-related spamming (present continuous), ebay-related spams (third person singular)
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