Definition: |
noun. Ethnic origin refers to one's ancestral or cultural background, often based on shared language, customs, traditions, and in some cases, race or nationality. It is a way of categorizing individuals or groups based on their common historical and cultural heritage. Ethnic origin can influence a person's identity, values, beliefs, and experiences. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
- noun.
ethnic origin (singular),
ethnic origins (plural)
Policy Examples: |
- Unless specifically requested, we ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive Personal Information (e.g., social security numbers, national identification number, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background or trade union membership) on or through the Services or otherwise to us. #marriott
- We ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive personal information (such as social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background or trade union membership) on or through the Fox News Services or otherwise. #foxnews
- The term "sensitive information" refers to information related to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health or sex life, criminal background or trade union membership. #hilton
- We will not intentionally collect or maintain, and do not want you to provide, any information regarding your medical or health condition, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or other sensitive information. #rackspace
- TomTom will avoid processing Personal Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, or Personal Data concerning health or sex life. #tomtom