Lexeme: flash cookie setting  
Rare (0.03)
  1. noun. A flash cookie setting refers to the configuration or preferences related to the use and storage of flash cookies, which are also known as Local Shared Objects (LSOs). Flash cookies are data files that are created by Adobe Flash Player to store information such as user preferences, game scores, or website settings. They are commonly used by websites and web applications to remember specific user preferences or to track user activity. The flash cookie setting allows users to specify how Flash Player handles these cookies. This setting typically determines whether Flash Player accepts, restricts, or blocks the creation and storage of flash cookies on a user's computer. By adjusting this setting, individuals can control the amount of data stored by flash cookies and potentially limit their exposure to unwanted tracking or data collection. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. flash cookie setting (singular), flash cookie settings (plural)
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