Lexeme: |
glass breakage
Very Rare (0.01)
Definition: |
noun. Glass breakage refers to the act of a glass object or surface being fractured or shattered, resulting in physical damage to the glass itself. This can occur due to various reasons, such as accidental impact, extreme external forces, temperature changes, or manufacturing defects. Glass breakage may lead to the creation of sharp edges or fragments, posing a safety risk and potentially requiring repair or replacement of the glass. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
- noun.
glass breakage (singular),
glass breakages (plural)
Policy Examples: |
- Vehicle-Related Information' includes: Information about your vehicle, like the vehicle' s identification number ('VIN'), its make, model and year; Information about your vehicle' s condition, like diagnostic data, odometer readings, oil life remaining, tire pressure, fuel economy; Information about whenyour vehicleis refueled or recharged; Information that might indicate that your vehicle has been broken into or stolen, like glass breakage or ignition switch activity if your vehicle is equipped to detect those things; Information about apps that are pre-installed on the OnStar equipment, including the version of those apps; Information about the OnStar equipment, including the version of the OnStar software installed on that equipment; Information aboutwhen your vehicle' s ignition is on or off; and Information about collisions involving your vehicle, like the direction from which impact happened and which air bags deployed. #onstar