Lexeme: hulu service view  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. ['noun']. Hulu service view refers to the user interface or display of content on the Hulu streaming platform. It includes the layout, design, and functionality of the service where users can browse, search for, and watch their favorite TV shows, movies, and other streaming content. The Hulu service view may vary depending on the device or platform (such as a smart TV, computer, or mobile app) that is being used to access the service. It typically features categories, menus, and recommended content to help users easily find and navigate through the available programming options. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. hulu service view (singular), hulu service views (plural)
  • verb. hulu service view (simple present), hulu service viewed (simple past), hulu service viewing (present continuous), hulu service views (third person singular)
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