Lexeme: in-app message  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. An in-app message is a type of communication or notification that occurs within a mobile application. It is a way for app developers or businesses to directly engage with their users while they are actively using the app. In-app messages can be used to deliver important information, provide updates, promote new features or offers, gather feedback, ask for app reviews, or guide users through specific actions or onboarding processes. These messages typically appear as pop-ups, banners, or full-screen overlays within the app's interface. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. in-app message (singular), in-app messages (plural)
  • verb. in-app message (simple present), in-app messaged (simple past), in-app messaging (present continuous), in-app messages (third person singular)
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