Lexeme: information received  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. verb. Information received refers to any data, facts, messages, feedback, or communication that an individual or entity obtains from external sources or through various channels. This information can be obtained through personal interactions, written or verbal communication, electronic or digital means, or any other form of transfer of knowledge or data. The information received can range from factual data to subjective opinions, and it can come from individuals, organizations, media, or any other relevant source. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • verb. information receive (simple present), information received (simple past), information receiving (present continuous), information receives (third person singular)
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Policy Examples:
  • When you visit the Sites or provide us with information, you consent to our use and disclosure of the information we collect or receive, as described in this Privacy Policy, unless separate terms are offered by you in writing and accepted in writing by Simply Hired. #simplyhired

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