Policy Examples: |
- Cookies may transmit information about you and your use of Glassdoor, such as your browser type, search preferences, job titles, data relating to advertisements that have been displayed to you or that you have clicked on, and the date and time of your use. #glassdoor
- Contact Information includes your name, company name, job title, telephone numbers, fax numbers, postal addresses, email addresses, or other addresses at which you receive communications from or on behalf of Rackspace ("Contact Information"). #rackspace
- If you decide to download one of our Apps, we will collect your profile information, including your social network site user ID, work email address, name, city, state, social network site profile image URL, and employment history, including job titles and company names. #careerbuilder
- The following questions will be presented to the user if they are selected, including what industry to do you work, what is your job title, and what size company do you work for. #reuters
- If you decide to download one of our Apps and create an account via social media, we will collect your profile information, including your social network site user ID, work email address, name, city, state, social network site profile image URL, and employment history, including job titles and company names. #simplyhired
- You may choose to provide us with personal information (such as name, contact details and payment information), such as: Contact information, such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address, and your title or occupation. #lowes