Lexeme: listmania list  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. ['noun', 'verb']. A "Listmania list" is a term associated with Amazon.com's feature called Listmania. Listmania allows users to create and share curated lists of products available on Amazon. These lists can include various categories of items such as books, movies, electronics, or any other products available for purchase on Amazon. Each list is typically centered around a specific theme or topic and can be used by users as a resource for finding recommended products or to share their own preferences with others. Listmania lists can be created and organized by any Amazon user and can be seen and used by other users for reference or shopping purposes. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. listmania list (singular), listmania lists (plural)
  • verb. listmania list (simple present), listmania listed (simple past), listmania listing (present continuous), listmania lists (third person singular)
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