Lexeme: search session  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. A search session refers to a specific period of time during which a user conducts a series of searches on a search engine or website. It starts when the user initiates the first search query and ends when the user finishes their search activities or stops actively engaging with the search engine. During a search session, the user may conduct multiple searches, click on various search results, and refine their search queries based on the results they find. The concept of a search session helps to analyze user behavior, track search patterns, and improve the overall search experience. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. search session (singular), search sessions (plural)
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Policy Examples:
  • Additionally, search engines usually are silent on what they do with the User agent, which has been shown to also have enough information to often be personally identifiable, especially if isolated to a particular search session (day). #duckduckgo

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