Lexeme: searchable profile  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. A searchable profile refers to a digital profile or resume that is optimized for easy discovery and retrieval through search engines or databases. This means that the information included in the profile is structured in a way that makes it readily accessible and visible to those who are searching for specific skills, qualifications, or attributes. By making a profile searchable, individuals and organizations can increase their chances of being found by recruiters, employers, or other relevant parties. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. searchable profile (singular), searchable profiles (plural)
  • verb. searchable profile (simple present), searchable profiled (simple past), searchable profiling (present continuous), searchable profiles (third person singular)
Basic Categories:
Related Concepts:
Policy Examples:
  • In the past, job seekers may have elected to make their profile searchable by our customers on a confidential basis only. #dice

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