Lexeme: service event record  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. A service event record is a document that contains relevant information regarding a specific service event or incident. It typically includes details such as date and time of the event, location, description of the issue or request, actions taken to resolve the problem, individuals involved, and any additional notes or comments. Service event records are commonly used in fields where service requests or customer support activities occur, such as IT help desks, maintenance and repair services, or customer service departments. These records help to track and document service events, enabling better analysis, monitoring, and quality control in service delivery. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. service event record (singular), service event records (plural)
  • verb. service event record (simple present), service event recorded (simple past), service event recording (present continuous), service event records (third person singular)
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