Lexeme: several purpose  
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  1. noun. Sure! Here are several definitions of the word "purpose": 1. A reason for which something is done or created; an intention or objective. Example: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss our upcoming project. 2. The desired result or outcome that one aims to achieve. Example: Her purpose in taking this course is to enhance her professional skills. 3. The function or role that someone or something has in a particular context. Example: The purpose of a screwdriver is to tighten or loosen screws. 4. The quality of having significance or worth; the importance or value of something. Example: The purpose of art is to express emotions and provoke thought. 5. A person's sense of direction or drive in life; their reason for being. Example: She found her purpose in helping others and making a difference in their lives. 6. In a philosophical or existential sense, purpose refers to the fundamental meaning or essence of existence. Example: Many people spend their lives searching for the purpose of life itself. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. several purpose (singular), several purposes (plural)
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