Lexeme: site feature  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. A site feature refers to a specific functionality, characteristic, or component that is included on a website. It can be a tool, a design element, or any other element that enhances the website's usability, functionality, and user experience. Site features can include features such as navigation menus, search bars, contact forms, social media integration, user registration, shopping carts, image galleries, and many others. These features are designed to serve a specific purpose or provide a specific function on the website, making it more effective and engaging for users. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. site feature (singular), site features (plural)
Basic Categories:
Related Concepts:
Policy Examples:
  • When you return to the Web site, you can retrieve the information you previously provided, so you can easily use the site's features that you customized. #healthvault

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