Lexeme: social identity  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. Social identity refers to the collective aspects of an individual's self-concept that are derived from their perception of membership in a specific social group or groups. It is the part of one's self-concept that includes their sense of belonging, values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are associated with the group(s) they identify with. Social identity can be based on various characteristics such as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, occupation, or any other group that holds significance to an individual. It plays a fundamental role in shaping one's sense of self and influencing their thoughts, feelings, and actions within group settings. Social identity can also impact intergroup relations, in terms of influencing biases, stereotypes, and discrimination towards other groups. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. social identity (singular), social identities (plural)
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