Lexeme: telecommunication service billing  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. Telecommunication service billing refers to the process of calculating and charging customers for the usage of telecommunication services, such as phone calls, text messages, data usage, and other related services. It involves tracking, measuring, and recording the usage of these services, applying the appropriate rates or plans, and generating invoices or bills for customers to pay based on their usage. The billing process may also include additional charges, such as taxes, fees, or surcharges, as required by regulatory authorities. The main objective of telecommunication service billing is to accurately calculate and charge customers for the services they have used and to provide them with a clear and detailed breakdown of the associated costs. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. telecommunication service bill (singular), telecommunication service bills (plural)
  • verb. telecommunication service bill (simple present), telecommunication service billed (simple past), telecommunication service billing (present continuous), telecommunication service bills (third person singular)
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