Policy Examples: |
- The most common sources of this information include: Web server logs, Cookies, Pixel tag or clear Graphics Interchange Format files, known as GIFs, Targeted advertising, Your Device or Apps you use, including geolocation, Wireless networks operated by Barnes & Noble in retail stores, Social networking sites, Your college or university, Business partners, contractors, and other third parties. #barnesandnoble
- When you explicitly agree to receive offers from specific third parties, your information is shared with the specific third party to enable them to provide you with the offer you have requested. #wunderground
- We may ask advertisers or other partners to serve ads or services to your devices, which may use cookies or similar technologies placed by us or the third party. #instagram
- If your application contains content submitted or provided by third parties, you must comply with the following rules: In the United States you must take all steps required to fall within the applicable safe harbors of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act including designating an agent to receive notices of claimed infringement, instituting a repeat infringer termination policy and implementing a 'notice and takedown' process. #facebook
- From Other Sources: We may receive your Personal Information from other sources, such as public databases; joint marketing partners; social media platforms; people with whom you are friends or otherwise connected on social media platforms; and other third parties. #heb