Lexeme: tomtom local place search  
  1. ['noun', 'verb']. TomTom Local Place Search is a location-based service offered by TomTom, a navigation technology company. It allows users to search for specific places or points of interest (POIs) within a particular geographical area. TomTom Local Place Search provides detailed information, such as addresses, contact details, ratings, and reviews, about businesses, landmarks, attractions, and other destinations. It is integrated into various TomTom devices and applications to help users find and navigate to their desired locations more efficiently. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. tomtom local place search (singular), tomtom local place searches (plural)
  • verb. tomtom local place search (simple present), tomtom local place searched (simple past), tomtom local place searching (present continuous), tomtom local place searches (third person singular)
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