Lexeme: verizon residential telemarketing list  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. ['noun', 'verb']. A Verizon residential telemarketing list refers to a database of contact information for residential customers who use Verizon's telecommunication services. This list typically includes phone numbers, names, addresses, and sometimes additional demographic information. It is commonly used by telemarketing companies or organizations for sales or promotional purposes, such as offering new services or products to Verizon customers. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. verizon residential telemarketing list (singular), verizon residential telemarketing lists (plural)
  • verb. verizon residential telemarketing list (simple present), verizon residential telemarketing listed (simple past), verizon residential telemarketing listing (present continuous), verizon residential telemarketing lists (third person singular)
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