Lexeme: video snap  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. Video snap refers to a feature in certain social media applications, typically Snapchat, that allows users to capture and share short video clips with their friends or followers. Unlike full-length videos, video snaps are usually limited in duration, usually ranging from a few seconds to a minute. They are often taken spontaneously using a smartphone's camera and can be enhanced with filters, effects, captions, and other creative features before being posted on a user's story or sent directly to specific recipients. Video snaps are designed to provide a quick and engaging way to share moments and experiences in a more dynamic format than traditional photos. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. video snap (singular), video snaps (plural)
  • verb. video snap (simple present), video snapped (simple past), video snapping (present continuous), video snaps (third person singular)
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