Lexeme: visitor image  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. A visitor image can refer to two different meanings: 1. In the context of website analytics and tracking, a visitor image refers to a profile or snapshot of a website visitor's behavior and interactions, such as the pages visited, actions taken, time spent on each page, and any other relevant data. This information is used to gain insights into visitor behavior, preferences, and patterns, which can help businesses optimize their websites and improve user experience. 2. In the context of virtual tours or interactive experiences, a visitor image refers to a rendered or digitally simulated representation of a person or character who navigates and interacts with the virtual environment. This can be used in virtual reality, augmented reality, or other immersive technologies to create a more engaging and realistic experience for users. The visitor image can be controlled by the user or programmed to follow a predefined path or set of actions. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. visitor image (singular), visitor images (plural)
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