Lexeme: |
web service usage information
Very Rare (0.01)
Definition: |
noun. Web service usage information refers to data or statistics related to the utilization or consumption of a web service. It includes information such as the total number of requests made to the web service, the type of requests (e.g., GET or POST), the response time of the service, the amount of data transferred, error rates, and any other relevant metrics or details that can help measure and analyze the usage patterns and performance of the web service. This information is typically collected and monitored to assess the overall effectiveness, scalability, and reliability of the web service and to identify areas for improvement or optimization. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
- noun.
web service usage information (singular),
web service usage information (plural)
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Policy Examples: |
- For example, you send us information when you use our Services on the web, via SMS, or from an application such as Twitter for Mac, Twitter for Android or TweetDeck. #twitter
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