Instructions: This form is used to infer ontology axioms from variants for a given phrase and tag sequence.

Inferred Axioms:

The tag sequence is encoded using the following rules:

  1. Each word is assigned a letter codes as follows: T = thing or entity, A = agent, M = modifier, E = event or action, P = property, X = information, or _ (underscore) = the word is part of a compound word that inherits the last word’s code.
  2. Normal processing treats adjacent words as hypernym-hyponym pairs, such that W1W2 yields the interpretation: W1W2W3 is_a W2W3, and W2W3 is_a W3, unless an exception is indicated by an operator below.
  3. | (bar) indicates that preceding words (up to the latest bar) should be processed independently, such that W1W2|W3 yields the interpretation: W1W2 is_a W2, and W1W2W3 is_a W2W3 (e.g., see social media presence)
    1. If previous words should be excluded from the concept, then / (slash) can be used to move the previous word marker to the current word position, which excludes previous words from normal processing.
  4. > (greater than) indicates that a word should be copied forward one position for each repetition of this operator and independently interpreted with the remaining word sequence, such that W1>W2W3 yields the interpretation: W1W2W3 is_a W2W3, W2W3 is_a WW3, and W1W3 is_a W3 (e.g., see real-time geographic location)
    1. If | (bar) precedes (greater than), then the preceeding words will all be copied forward to the to the position indicated, such that W1W2|>W3W4 yields the interpretation: W1W2W4 is_a W4 (e.g., see web site usage information)
    2. If a word W1 should be copied to two or more forward positions, then the | (bar) can be used to introduce an additional copy operation, such that W1>>|>W2W3W4 yields the interpretation: W1W4 is_a W4 and W1W3W4 is_a W3W4 (e.g., anonymous user usage data)
    3. If a word W1 should be re-located forward, then the / (slash) can be used to exclude the word from normal processing, such that W1/>W2|W3 yields the interpretation: W1W3 is_a W3, but not W1W2 is_a W2 (e.g., see aggregated behavior information).
  5. - (hyphen) indicates that the adjacent words should be considered as an inseperable whole when modifying a subsequent word, such that W1-W2W3 yields the interpretation: W1W2W3 is_a W3, but not W2W3 is_a W3 (e.g., see server provided cookie)
  6. _ (underscore) indicates that the matching word(s) are a continuation of the previous word in a multiword phrase that should not be processed normally (e.g., see social media presence, but without the interpretation W1W2 is_a W2)

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