Lexeme: alternative e-mail address  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. An alternative e-mail address refers to a secondary or additional e-mail address that an individual may have apart from their primary or main e-mail address. It serves as a backup or provides the option to use a different address for specific purposes, such as online accounts, subscriptions, or communication with a particular group of people. It can be used to separate personal and professional emails, manage spam, or maintain privacy. Having an alternative e-mail address allows individuals to keep their main inbox more organized and protected from potential spam or unwanted messages. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. alternative e-mail address (singular), alternative e-mail addresses (plural)
  • verb. alternative e-mail address (simple present), alternative e-mail addressed (simple past), alternative e-mail addressing (present continuous), alternative e-mail addresses (third person singular)
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