Lexeme: desktop computer-based website visit  
  1. ['noun', 'verb']. A desktop computer-based website visit refers to accessing and browsing a website using a computer that is typically larger in size and sits on a desk or surface. This type of visit involves using a desktop computer, which typically has a larger monitor and a physical keyboard and mouse for input. It may involve typing in the website address or using a search engine to find and access the desired website. The user can navigate through the website, interact with its content, and perform various actions such as filling out forms, making purchases, or watching videos using the desktop computer's browser. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. desktop computer-based website visit (singular), desktop computer-based website visits (plural)
  • verb. desktop computer-based website visit (simple present), desktop computer-based website visited (simple past), desktop computer-based website visiting (present continuous), desktop computer-based website visits (third person singular)
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