Lexeme: website visit information  
Rare (0.02)
  1. noun. Website visit information refers to the data collected and logged by a website when users access and interact with its pages or features. This information typically includes details such as the user's IP address, browser type and version, operating system, referral source (the website or platform that referred the user to the site), the pages visited on the website, the duration of the visit, and any actions or interactions taken on the site (e.g., clicking on links or submitting forms). Website visit information is commonly used by website owners and marketers to analyze visitor behavior, improve user experience, and optimize website performance. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. website visit information (singular), website visit information (plural)
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Policy Examples:
  • We also allow advertisers to reach people on Facebook using the information they already have about you (such as email addresses or whether you have visited their websites previously). #facebook
  • If Verizon intends to gather information from your use of our Internet access services to direct customized advertising specifically to you based on your visits over time and across different non-Verizon websites, we will provide you with notice of our plan and obtain your affirmative consent. #verizon

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