Lexeme: detailed personal information  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. Detailed personal information refers to specific and specific details about an individual's personal life and identity. This information can include but is not limited to: 1. Full name: The individual's complete name, including any given names, middle names, or surnames. 2. Date of birth: The specific date on which the individual was born. 3. Gender: The individual's gender identity, which could be male, female, or another gender identity. 4. Social Security Number (SSN): A unique identifying number issued by the government for tax and social security purposes (specific to certain countries). 5. Address: The residential address where the individual lives, including street, city, state, and postal code. 6. Contact information: The individual's phone number and email address for communication purposes. 7. Nationality and citizenship: The country or countries to which the individual belongs or holds citizenship. 8. Employment details: Information related to the individual's occupation, employer's name, job title, and work contact information. 9. Educational background: Details about the individual's educational qualifications, including schools, colleges, universities attended, and degrees obtained. 10. Financial information: Data related to the individual's banking details, credit card information, income, or any other financial details. 11. Health-related information: Personal medical history, including pre-existing conditions, allergies, medications, and any other health-related data. It is important to treat detailed personal information with respect and safeguard it to protect individual privacy and prevent misuse. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. detailed personal information (singular), detailed personal information (plural)
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