Lexeme: nordstrom customer information  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. ['noun']. Nordstrom customer information refers to the personal data collected by Nordstrom, a high-end department store retailer. This information includes details such as a customer's name, contact information (such as phone number and email address), billing and shipping addresses, and purchase history. It may also include additional information provided by the customer, such as preferences and interests, loyalty program participation, and any communication or interactions with Nordstrom. This customer information is typically collected through various channels, including in-store purchases, online transactions, and customer service interactions, and is used by Nordstrom to provide personalized shopping experiences, improve customer service, and offer relevant promotions and recommendations. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. nordstrom customer information (singular), nordstrom customer information (plural)
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