Lexeme: standard web log information  
Very Rare (0.01)
  1. noun. Standard web log information, also known as access logs or server logs, refers to a collection of data that is generated by a web server when it interacts with a website or application. This information typically includes details about the requests and responses made by users or devices accessing a website. The standard web log information may include: 1. IP address: The unique numerical identifier assigned to each device connected to the internet. 2. Timestamp: The date and time when a particular request was made. 3. Request method: The HTTP method used in the request, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. 4. Requested URL: The specific URL or path requested by the user or device. 5. HTTP status code: The code indicating the status of the server's response, such as 200 for a successful request or 404 for a not found error. 6. User agent: Information about the user's browser, operating system, and device used to access the website. 7. Referrer: The URL of the webpage that referred the user to the current page. 8. Bytes transferred: The amount of data transferred between the server and the user's device. 9. Server and domain information: Details about the server hosting the website, including its IP address and domain name. This information can be useful for website administrators and developers to analyze website traffic, detect issues, troubleshoot errors, and monitor performance. GPT3.5
Word Forms:
  • noun. standard web log information (singular), standard web log information (plural)
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